We have started project “ExchangeIt – towards coopeartion and reconciliation”
Kosova Young Lawyers – KYL together with six partners Libero, Proni, Backslash, Connect International, Intercultura and Syllogos Apofiton Ekpedeftirion Mandoulidi held the very first activity of the “Exchange it – towards cooperation and reconciliation” project supported by the ERASMUS+ program of the European Union. This project started with the Baseline meeting that was held in Prishtina from 28.11.19-02.11.19, partners and experts met together and prepared for further steps of the implementation.
While carrying out our previous projects, we understood that reconciliation is a process much needed, and resolving conflicts inside Europe is a goal to all of us. Following our key action of cooperation on innovation and exchange of good practices, we are aiming to offer the youth new opportunities to overcome any barrier set by conflicts along Europe. By fostering proactive participation of organizations in creating opportunities for youth exchanges, we can highly contribute to reconciliation. Therefore the main idea of the project will be targeting organizations to carry these youth exchanges in post conflict and frozen conflicts areas, and then to increase their capacities through a platform with tailor made trainings, mentoring support, networking and updated information on the subject.
We have just started, so stay tuned!